Saturday, May 28, 2005


**musical mood preference: Nirvana - Marigold**

I really don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I, for one, would be happy with a life of manual labor and great friends and family. That is enough for me. I'm not sure why I struggle with this every now and again, but it resurfaces once in a while to depress me for short periods of time. I hate a feeling of forced worthlessness because society deems that I need to further myself. I am generally happy where I am, how I am. I want to be able to live a conservatively comfortable life, without much monetary hassle.

My mind has changed so much in the last 3 years as to what I wish to do with my life. It began with a hope for a life in medicine, followed by ideas of becoming a teacher of history or English, progressing now into the realm of law. I seriously have no idea what I am going to do with my life. All I ask is that I'm happy and my family and friends are happy.

My attitudes have continuously flip flopped since high school. Since 14, it's been on and off drug use and alcohol indulgence, leading me to love and despair life at the same time. Drugs and I were close friends for a number of years in high school and secretly while away at Penn State. I'm not sure exactly to what end I have used them or they have used me, but I believe they have made me realize more about myself as an individual than most other influential things in my life.

I love making food, I love painting, I love reading and writing . . . But what should I make my occupation? I hope that things become clearer at some point. Either way, life's gonna go on. I just have to be prepared for whatever is going to happen future-ly speaking.