Love Bullshit - Another Complete Waste of Time
1. Does love suck? No, though it does have its definite low points
2. Are you in love right now? No
3. Do you actually like being in love? Yes, and more and more I miss it. But Its the reason I wake up in the morning... The hope that I might find that again.
4. Be honest. Did you answer that question truthfully?? Yep
5. What kind of crazy things has love made you do? Cry, alot; sometimes for no reason
6. Does love inspire you? Yes, in alot of the things I do. The hope for love inspires me
7. If so, what does it inspire you to do? To wake up, to go to class everyday. This in the hopes that I meet someone and fall in love again
8. When you love someone, do you feel a fluttery feeling in your heart? YES, I love the slightly queasy feeling.
9. When you have a crush on someone, do you think you actually *love* them? No
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah, in a way
11. Why or why not? Well I believe people can make an instant connection that can foster the best and longest lasting kind of love.
12. Would you ever want to be in love again? (If you're with someone, ask yourself honestly. Your significant other will never see this, I swear! If you weren't with him or her, do you think you'd love someone again?) I hope so. I'm a loving person, so if someone is willing to love me, I definitely think so.
13. Do you think sex is an important part of love? Actually, no, I don't. (That's sort of sad...)
14. If you answered yes, you are definitely male. WELL FUCK
15. When you dream of being broken up with your love (or have in the past, when you were actually still together), how did this make you feel? The same way I feel when I wake up into reality.
16. When you dream of being back with an ex, are you disappointed when you wake up? Be completely honest here! I know you'll be compelled to stretch the truth! Yes, totally. And more than one Ex, too.
17. So...are you sure you know if love sucks or not?? I only know that I don't know nothing
18. When you're in love, do you think you actually think straight, especially when around the person you're in love with? Depends how long I've been with the person. My judgement tends to straighten out the longer I've been with a person.
19. What's better? Sex, love, or chocolate? Love
20. Okay, now, what would you prefer...being with the person you do love (or did and broke up with, but would like to be with again...or even just a crush that you *really* think you love), OR a million dollars? Being with a person I truly love and they love me back.
21. Now, take that million dollars, and multiply it by ten. Would you still take that person over the money? Any day of the week.
22. This brings me to another random question that I was discussing at work the other day. If someone came up to you with a million bucks in cash, and told you that you could give the money straight to a research center for cancer, AIDs, leukemia, or a disease of major concern, and your million dollars would be the key to the cure of all present and future cases, and, God forbid, you ever get the disease, you'd be cured, or your loved ones or friends...or, you could take the million bucks and just spoil the hell out of yourself...what would you do?? I'd give it up even if I weren't given a garuntee that it would be the key to the cure. I dont have money now, and I'd probably just blow it all anyway, might as well give it away.
23. Why? (This is here only IF you didn't elaborate on your answer before. *probe probe*) See above
24. Back to love...if love was a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would it be? Chocolate chip cookie dough. mmmmm
25. If love was a game...any kind of game (board game, verbal game, video game, casino game, etc...), what game would it be? Please be specific, and tell me WHY it would be that game!! In my experience, the game of SORRY!, but in a perfect reality, it would be something like the game of LIFE in which everyone wins.
26., if love were a person, would it be male or female? Why? Female, just because women are the best personification of real gentle emotion.
27. And if love were a car, what kind of car would it be? A 7 series BMW.
28. Is love blind (as in, it is, and makes you, blind) or is it a new, bright, 20/20+ vision window to the world? Love is blind, it sneaks up on you sometimes and involves people you would never think could fall in love.
29. Do you think we'd all be better off if we just loved our pets? That's pretty sick Chubbs.
30. Is love more like a cat or a dog? Why?? A Cat I suppose. I dont know.