Thursday, January 13, 2005


*musical mood preference: Sinead O'Connor - Paddy's Lament**
taken from SheilaO'

CD I have in my car that I roll up the windows to listen to -
My Irish mixes would fix that bill. I've gotten some strange looks at stoplights with the windows down when I have that stuff on.

Book I read flat so no one could see the title
Not so long ago, I re-read some of the Goosebumps books... Not sure why, I couldn't remember any of them and they used to be all I would read when I was 8-9-10. Yeah, I had to hold them flat to stifle laughing from the peanut gallery.

Crappiest song ever sung at karaoke
I did a duo with a Penn State buddy of mine of Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light." It was horrendous considering neither of us can sing and why we chose a 6 minute song is beyond me. The wonders of alcohol.

Bad movie I watch repeatedly -
Have you ever seen Red Dawn? Yeah, its bad. Bring It On as well.

Article of clothing I love though I know it's wrong -
My old Susquehanna County all stars shirt where my name is falling off the back and the numbers are missing. I love it, its so comfortable, no matter how many holes it has or how ratty it looks.

What I order at the bar when no one is listening
STRAWBERRY MARGARITA. No, really... Blue Moon...

Fast food item I adore
I love Wendy's chicken nuggets. But I actually dislike pretty much every other fast food place (But I do eat McDonald's fries though they need salt now! and the no longer serve SUPERSIZE!) .

A TV show that is a good example of the downfall of civilization that I love anyway
OZ. Drugs, violence and man-love.