Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas Review

**musical mood preference: Nirvana Box Set**

I had trouble getting to sleep Christmas Eve because I felt shitty and I was ridiculously tired all day yesterday. After getting up at 6 am, I finished wrapping my presents and opened my presents from my dad. I took a nap at mom's after I opened my stuff there, then ate dinner. All in all it was a nice day, despite still feeling run-down.

Regarding presents - All I have to say: I have a couple of loads of laundry to do today. I'm not complaining, I needed some new clothes.

There was something missing from this Christmas, as nice and relaxing as it was. I think its just reminiscience of having someone for the last two holidays, and now there is no one. Just a void in that part of my memory. I miss having someone. But I'm very happy with what I DO have, as I know it's more than many others. So, don't take my reflection as whining, but rather as just remembering with longing.

I hope everyone had a safe and nice holiday.